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Precious Payload


Precious Payload is a friendly digital service that makes sending satellites to space easy. It is a SaaS platform for the satellite industry to ease the planning and execution of space missions by finalizing the paperwork, technical analysis and supply chain management

Also Precious Payload has the most comprehensive rocket launch schedule for small satellites on the market for now.

Mission Space

To plan the launch of a satellite, it is necessary to gather all the mission information.

This includes determining whether insurance is required, how the satellite will be transported to the launch site, which tests have been completed, and what licenses have been obtained for the satellite.

All of this enables our company to select the optimal launch options and accurately calculate the cost.

Mission Space had a file storage to keep configuration plans and other media that is important for the mission plan. Additionally, there was an ability to create a mission from the template and share the mission plan with the launch providers.

Launch schedule

Precious Payload provides a comprehensive space launch schedule that gathers all available intel about global suborbital and orbital launches. Precious Payload’s smallsat launch schedule tool is kept accurate and up to date with insider information.

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